
To be the leading force in achieving academic excellence by advancing best practices in teaching, assessments, accreditation & quality assurance.


To build a culture of excellence in teaching effectiveness, academic development, and continuous improvement to achieve AU strategic objectives and the highest accreditation standards.

Previous Events


The MHA society hosted a seminar on how to help adolescents' mental health during the covid 19 pandemic. The seminar included lectures on anxiety and panic disorders, stress reduction, and time management for adolescents.
A symposium where highly qualified speakers gave lectures on depression, anxiety, addiction, eating disorders, adaptation disorders and much more.


A discussion group where 10 people spoke about their university journey including their struggles and the methods which helped them deal with stress.
Students took a personality test prior to event and their results were interpreted with the help of Dr. Raed Al Bar. The aim of the workshop was to help students figure themselves out by discussing some aspects of their personality.
A workshop to help teach students how to correctly use non verbal cues in communication.
An event that u s e s the power of creativity to help students reduce their stress. Al kinds of arts and crafts projects were available for students to enjoy.


The MHAS hosted the stress busters event where students were given lectures on how to make changes in their lives in order to reduce stress. The event also included games, activities, arts and crafts, exercise etc...all aimed at helping students to destress.
The mental health amilioration club along with all the AU clubs came together to shed light on the importance of mental health and to help break the Stigma surrounding it.
A workshop designed to teach students how to take care of their emotional and mental well-being.

Up-coming Events