
To be the leading force in achieving academic excellence by advancing best practices in teaching, assessments, accreditation & quality assurance.


To build a culture of excellence in teaching effectiveness, academic development, and continuous improvement to achieve AU strategic objectives and the highest accreditation standards.

Previous Events


A conference to give students the opportunity to take on simulated roles in the United Nations to tackle and discuss current events.


Debates and discussions on different topics hosted by MUN
The MUN hosted a conference where members represented different countries and organizations to discuss current world events and policies.
MUN members debated with students on various subiects.
Students debated with the MUN members to come to a conclusion on different topics.


The MUN hosted an event to display the diversity of AI Faisal University.
The MUN along with the Science Student Association hosted an event aimed at educating and raising awareness on the types of polution and how to reduce it.
This talk was given to simplfy the process of application to the US and ease minds as well as clear up doubts the students may have.
This event was another example on how the associations at alfaisal help their students and other students from other colleges excel. This event was done for the students who are worried about what the future has in store.
Research is a fundamental requirement for all health care professionals in every sector.This event focuses on the spectrum of clinical research and the research process


This event was conducted to show the Saudi public how to use their medactions as well as the importance of scheduling and dosing. This event raised awareness around the side effects and the importance of reporting them.


Alfaisal pharmacy students contributed in “Role of Pharmacist in the Community”. The event was organized by the College of Pharmacy with Public relations and marketing help to spread awareness to the public about the pharmacy profession, antibiotic use, and answer questions about chronic and OTC medications. We would like to thank everyone who showed their support.

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