
To be the leading force in achieving academic excellence by advancing best practices in teaching, assessments, accreditation & quality assurance.


To build a culture of excellence in teaching effectiveness, academic development, and continuous improvement to achieve AU strategic objectives and the highest accreditation standards.

Previous Events


All AU clubs came together to put the spotlight on the contributions made by the Mental Health Amelioration Society to break the Stigma around mental health.
A collaborative effort between SIGN and the Art Club. This event had awareness booths, music shows, and an art gallery. The goal is to raise awareness towards mental health.


A lecture by Dr. Abdelaziz Al Mubarak on the steps to becoming a neurosurgeon.
In collaboration with Kayl Association for combating obesity, this event aimed at raising awareness on obesity and to provide information on the risks of obesity and its association with mental health. A lecture by Dr. Amalgam Alkanaaan also took place.
An interview with one of the most prestigious neurologists Dr. Saeed Bohlega. He kindly answered all or doubts and questions concerning neurology.


SIGN in collaboration with ADHD society and Alzheimer’s Association to increase our awareness on the brain and some conditions that may affect it.


A lecture given by Dr. Fahad Al Osaimy on the duality of physical and psychological illnesses.

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